Friday, January 14, 2011

Guess Who's Back...Back Again...CCM's Back...Tell Your Friends!

Welcome back to school for the spring semester, Everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed your break, got some well-deserved rest, and are ready for this round of courses! 

After getting together with all your friends to compare crazy holiday family stories (don't try to pretend you don't),  block out some time in those new class schedules for God each day, so you can make Him part of your life all semester, not just during exams.  Also, remember to check your local CCM website for Mass schedules and all the other awesome activities they have planned for you! 

Say hello to your Campus Ministers and Leadership Teams, because they look forward to seeing you at any events you can go to, and it makes their day when students ask how they're doing.  They live to serve your needs as students of faith, and while the Christmas Break was relaxing for them too, believe me when I say they got bored without their students.  I was able to join a wonderful group of them for a few days at the Catholic Campus Ministry Association conference two weeks ago, and while they've enjoyed their time off, they were missing you all, so let them know that you missed them too!

May God bless you, and May God bless all your endeavors this semester!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I apologize for going AWOL in December! 

With the end-of-the-semester craziness on campus, and traveling to see family for Christmas, the post I was working on did not find its way onto the blog.  It was about the persecution of Christians for their faith around the world, but I will draw from it for a future post.

Thank you all for your visits and your thoughts these past months and I hope you continue to visit during the upcoming year!

Pax et Bonum,
The Assistant